Lee Haynes

Cell: (UK + 44(0)) 785 374 0636


Skype: live:leehaynes0715

Technical Profile

I am a motivated self-taught web developer, seeking a position, of “junior front-end web developer”. I am currently working freelance to build a commercial presence, skills to date include SHOPIFY website design, SEO and Social Media Marketing. I am currently studying the full stack curriculum. I have several years “personal” experience with WordPress, May 2013 – present. More recently “2020” LOGO and Banner design in Blender 3D. In addition to seeking commercial skills in Web Technologies I am also refreshing my knowledge in Python.

Freelance Web Developer | Nottingham

(DECEMBER 2018 – Present)

I am “returning” to the coding sector. I had a career break due to an industrial accident. I am currently working through over 250 hours of video training, working on practice projects as part of my web development portfolio.

WordPress Site: Due to some personal experience with WordPress, the decision was made to start here. My aim was firstly to build the site, then work on actively getting it listed in Google and BING. Any other Search Engine listing would be a bonus.

The site URL is

HTML Sites: This site has been developed more as a portfolio project, registering the domain, uploading page as well as, including listing into Google and BING, focusing also on SEO, social marketing practices “as well as Web Development Technologies”.

The aim is to create practice projects that are part of my video training, and then upload them to demonstrate my ever-expanding skillset.

The main site URL is

Project A: This site was just a basic test project. Nonresponsive.

Project B: This project is built using Visual Studio Code, pure HTML 5 | CSS 3| Bootstrap 4 and was a fun play about project. Semi Responsive.

Project C: This project is built using Visual Studio Code. This is my third full HTML project and is a single page site, pure HTML 5 | CSS 3 | Bootstrap. A fully responsive site.

Office Administration – Part Time | Nottingham

(JANUARY 2020 – Present)

I work part time undertaking basic office administration duties as required. Working primarily in Microsoft Excel. Designing and updating spreadsheets, dealing with email communications, detailing draft letters. Created social media security awareness presentation. 

E-Commerce Project (SHOPIFY Website Build.) | Nottingham

(JULY 2019 – AUGUST 2019)

This project was developed to create a full shopify site, and I was tasked with finding information on, the integration process of Instagram and Facebook, and the fundamentals of Facebook Business. My time was divided researching integrations for social media, site development, theme design and build, during this project I had the opportunity to interact directly with rudimentary coding. Tools and applications basic images, and Content management, testing and summarising customer service and helpdesk plugins and the final installation and integration of Orderify, Support Tickets Plus and Returns Magic.

Digital Investigative professional | East Midlands

(NOVEMBER 2017 – 04 SEPTEMBER 2019)

Digital | Technical Skills Investigating, saving, and creating evidence to be used regarding current investigation. Help with IT problems, storage, file management, and advise on error message in Word, Excel and Windows 10. CCTV, auditing.  

IT | Technical Skills I am very passionate about tech. When not working as security officer, I still volunteer to help family, friends, and neighbours with tech problems, upgrades, builds, equipment procurement, etc (A+ type stuff). I build small projects in VB.Net and Python. I still occasionally dabble with Linux OS, and read my CEH manuals, Pentest+, A+, books, I like to build Virtual machines, etc.

Anti-Stalking Advocate | East Midlands

(FEBRUARY 2014 – JANUARY 01/2019)

Help victims understand how to deal with system administrators, Subject Access Request (SAR) regarding data removal, different country laws on cyberstalking & cyber harassment, track IP addresses, use / understand email tracking, install physical security equipment, property security, harden systems, backup data, gather and create evidence logs, install & understand vehicle security. In addition, I give situational awareness presentations on security.

Anti Stalking Specialist | Cyber Stalking Consultant | Cyber Security | Covert Surveillance | Cyber Stalking Investigator | Social Media Consultant | Anti Stalking Specialist