Welcome to my projects and sites section. In this page I am going showcase some of the sites that I have created both personally and as part of the courses and bootcamps I have worked through.
Courses and Bootcamps
As a Nottingham Web Designer in training I am focusing on improving my development skills through personal and professional development.
The following was part of my web development bootcamp. After completing the section on CSS, the aim of the project was to create a copy of the BBC website. The aim of the project was to test my skills and understanding on CSS.

Fun On The Water
The following was a site that was from my Software Development Bootcamp via Derby College, the aim was to build a site that demonstrated that I could build a basic site, using HTML, CSS and a little JavaScript, to aid with accessibility.

Marine Buddy
Marine buddy was a project that I designed as a fun project as a passionate for the water, boats and diving so this was a fun page to build that went on to a site based project. The aim of the project was to see if I had a basic understanding of CSS on a project that was something of my own design.

Marine Buddy – Home (devcoder.co.uk)
Devmedia Page
In this project I designed a fictitious webpage in a style similar to that of a Facebook. The aim of this project was not so much to try to recreate a Facebook page, but, was to see if I could use my new found CSS skills to design a page that looked similar in style and design to Facebook.
Three column layout a left and right section and a center region, and to see if I could get just the center region to scroll whilst the two side panel stayed static. This is based on a desktop design, and is not mobile friendly as this was not my intention.

Personal Projects
Dive Quiz
Dive quiz, this was created in VB.Net before looking to further my skills in Web Development, but was fun to create.

Lotter Generator
The following was a lotter generator that was created using VB.Net. It was a fun project that was just that something to build for fun.

Dice Game
This was my python dice game from the Software Development Bootcamp completed via Derby College, the research was done on Yahtzee, and the aim was to make a game along similar line. This was a full build project, from design plan through the creation phase, and then finally testing.

To access this game visit my Repli at: https://replit.com/@LeeHaynes/My-Dice-Style-Game#main.py
Python Menu System. This was a project from my coding bootcamp, it is simple menus ordering system.

To check out my project: https://replit.com/@LeeHaynes/PizzaMenuSystem?v=1
Derby College: Software Development Bootcamp

The above is my certification from Derby College for successful completion of there Software Development Bootcamp
Microsoft Virtual Academy: Software Development Fundamentals

Microsoft Virtual Academy: HTML and CSS Certification